How to use this website
1. Select the items you would like
2. Continue with the checkout process
3. Add any further questions or details in the comment box
4. Once we receive your order;
We will contact you to confirm our best possible deal, tandem booking dates and any other information required
6. After your order details have been confirmed, we will send you a revised invoice and process payment
Happy shopping :)
Our 2 day training course is designed to let you "test the air" and find out if paragliding is really for you. Doing a tandem flight definitely gets will definitely get you enthused about becoming a paraglider pilot, but only "hands on" experience will really tell you whether you are potentially suited to the sport (and the sport is suited to you).
The 2 day intro is basically the first two days of a full lesson course, but rather than committing to the full course straight up (with the financial commitment that goes along with it), students have the option to pull out after the first two days if they think that paragliding isn't for them. (this is rarely the case, but we like to give our students every possible option to make the "right decision")
You will learn some of the theory of paraglider flight, the safety considerations, the basics of ground handling (kiting) the glider, launching and then progress to short training hill flights if your progress and aptitude is sufficient.
After these two days, you will definitely know if this is the sport for you (which I'm sure you will)
The cost of your Two Day Intro lesson is fully deductible from your full course cost if you book to complete your full course within 2 months of completing your 2 Day intro lesson.
The treat our training during our two day intro training the same as for our full course. We don't cut corners or speed you through. Our training is methodical and thorough. Good things take time, and paragliding is a GOOD thing .
Our mission is to produce competent pilots, not simply license holders. We pride ourselves on the quality of our training.
We feel that our training is the most thorough offered by any school, anywhere in Australia or overseas for that matter, and thoroughness takes time.
So if you're simply looking for a paragliding license in the shortest possible time, then maybe our training may not work for you.
But if you are looking for quality training, that goes ABOVE AND BEYOND the minimum required for the issue of your SAFA “PG-2” rating, and are willing to spend the time and effort to achieve those skills, then we at Paragliding Queensland look forward to taking you on board and help you find your ”piece of the sky".